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terça-feira, 16 de agosto de 2016

vantagens de trabalhar/brincar em pé num velho quadro de ardósia

Há vantagens em incentivar brincadeira e até trabalho na posição vertical e em grandes superfícies como os velhos quadros de ardosia, os actuais quadros interactivos ou os simples quadros brancos?

Sempre achei que sim e, muito antes de ler este artigo que agora transcrevo, pintei uma parede com tinta de ardósia no quintal para os miúdos brincarem. Depois pintei outra dentro de casa porque o inverno não permite grande utilização do espaço exterior.

do blog uma explicação simples:

1 || Shoulder/Elbow Stability – The use of larger vertical surfaces such as chalkboards, markerboards, and Smart boards allows children to use bigger arm movements that encourage strength and flexibility throughout the joints and muscles of the upper extremities.
2 || Bilateral Coordination – Have you ever tried to use a stencil while working on a vertical surface?  I once tried to stencil a pretty fleur de lis pattern on a wall — it was a disaster!  This is a tough skill!  For kids, tracing an object, using a stencil, or even just stabilizing their paper to write on an upright surface requires the use of both hands (one to trace, one to hold) AND it requires proprioception and strength to hold the object that is being traced!
 || Midline Crossing – When a child is writing or drawing across a large vertical surface, he has to cross the midline of his body with his dominant hand to reach all of the spaces.  This is great practice for children who are struggling with midline crossing and establishing a strong hand dominance.
4 || Wrist Extension/Pencil Grasp – Writing on an upright surface naturally puts the wrist in an extended position which encourages hand stabilization for better control of writing utensils.
5 || Visual Attention and Hand-Eye Coordination – Working on a vertical surface brings the task closer to the child’s eyes.  This helps kids who have difficulty maintaining visual attention to activities and can help to encourage hand-eye coordination, as the child has a better view of what they are doing!
6 || Spatial Awareness – When a child works on a large vertical surface, it makes directional terms (up, down, left, right) much easier to understand because the child can relate the words to his very own body!
7 || Sensory – Working at a vertical surface may be beneficial for fidgety kids who work better in a standing position than sitting at a desk. Let’s face it, we all work better if we can change positions!
8 || Core Strength and Posture – Working in a kneeling or standing position at an upright surface kids a good dose of core strengthening.  There’s no slumping or leaning on the back of the chair – the only choice is to engage those core and back muscles!
Here are some easy ways to get the benefits of working on the vertical plane:
-Play with stickers!  Have the child stick them all over the wall at different levels and then give him directions for which stickers to touch – he may have to jump or bend!
-Make your own DIY Removable Lego Wall!  Building with Legos on a vertical surface?  Not only super fun, but also great for all of the skills listed above!
-Tape a piece of paper to the wall and trace objects or stencils
-Writing with dry erase markers on a hanging mirror
-Writing/drawing activities on the Smart board
-Prop iPads and other tablets up using a slant board or the prop that comes on the case.  Let kids use a stylus to encourage use of an efficient grasp.
-Try any of the above in kneeling, standing, or seated

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